Training session at Coast Provincial General Hospital, Mombasa Kenya
Posted on
August 9, 2017
Events & Fairs
Here is a series of images taken during a training session Terry Cooper and Paul Machengo attended at Coast Provincial General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya. The session’s topic was on the practical usage of the RetinaLyze automated retinal image assessment system.
Images showing the complete system. Fundus images are transferred to the laptop loaded with the RetinaLyze app which are then uploaded to the screening algorithm in the cloud.
Close up of the camera in the slit lamp mount.
We used a portable fundus camera, both hand held and in a slit lamp mount to take the images.
Paul Machengo was behind the camera.
Using the camera hand-held.
The portable funds camera is very versatile and can be used mounted on the slit lamp or hand-held.
The whole screening process takes just a few minutes and the results can be shared immediately with the patient.